Leadership Training
Thoughts – (from STARs Unlimited) for ideas to help in connecting the leadership theme to your activity.
Background: The kids will be learning what it is to be Responsive (do what is best) and not be Reactive (do what
I may feel). The difference has to do with intentionality… knowing ahead of time “what I want for myself and others”. To help walk this path we will use and acronym- STAR, and the acrostic – Respond Through Character Happy Heart.
Star in that it gives direction for a heart Response)To remember the 5 points of the Leadership STAR and the Leadership Response, they will learn – R T C H H RRespond – We are Responsible!TThrough- We are Trustworthy!CCharacter- We are Courageous!HHappy- We are Honoring!HHeart- We are Humble!
The following can help trigger some ideas to tie in the leadership theme of your day to what you are saying or doing. You can make connections with your community roles, sports, history, culture and science to yourself, other people, or principles that, even in a small way, illustrate these leadership qualities.
“We are Responsible! – I see that doing my best is very valuable for myself and others.”
To be responsible is about responding to circumstances in a way that is best, without having to be told. Everyone has things they are responsible for, but when we don’t respond well (maybe because of laziness)… bad things can happen, especially if we continue to be irresponsible. So being responsible doesn’t mean we just think about ourselves, but doing what is best for everyone. Because we are responsible, we are disciplined, initiating, and caring.
“We are Trustworthy! – I am worthy of trust…I see that my good name and a clear conscience are very valuable.”
To be worthy of trust means that we see that relationships are very valuable. For you to be trusted by others, it is important in how they think of you… that is why we work to have a “good name” with others. And if you will listen to your “conscience”, it will help you know if you are doing something to break trust in a relationship. Because we are trustworthy, we are truthful, faithful, and fair.
“We are Courageous! – I see that doing the right thing is very valuable, even though I might be afraid.”
To be courageous in not being without fear, but doing the right thing in spite of fear, We live in an “instant” society…where people do not like to wait for the things they desire (like acceptance from their peers) and are too willing to make wrong decisions… especially when there is pressure to do so. Doing the wrong thing (like lying or cheating) is too often an easy way out… instead of facing fear. Because we are courageous, we are purposeful, bold, and enduring.
“We are Honoring! – I see that people are very valuable.”
To be honoring has to do with how we see and treat people. To be honoring goes beyond respecting someone. To respect someone can be about letting people live. Whereas, to be honoring can be about helping people live… because all people are valuable (regardless of what they think differently than me) and need to be treated that way. Because we are honoring, we are attentive, courteous, and loving.
“We are Humble! – I see that I can easily make mistakes, and it can be very valuable to admit them.”
To be humble is to see yourself correctly…that you are very valuable as a person, but quite capable of making mistakes. Humility is the foundation of the other character/ leadership points because how you see yourself determines what you do (healthy pride). But if you see yourself as being less than you are, or see yourself as being more than you are (pride-fullness)… both can be devastating to ourselves and relationships around us. Because we are humble, we are unpretentious, secure, and significant.